CS Lewis' favorite book by CS Lewis.

I heard somewhere that this was C.S. Lewis’ last published work, and his personal favorite. I have read it three times now (four? more? I lose count). I love it. It is a bit longer than his other fiction, but the payoff…oh the payoff is so worth it. This is one of those books that you grow more capable of appreciating as you grow more deeply in your walk with Jesus, as you grow in wisdom. It gets better every time I read it.

Here it is: 'Til We Have Faces

Unfortunately, I do not have a copy handy to borrow. Mine is in a box somewhere that is not yet unpacked. When I find it…I will probably read it again, and you will have to wait. (And you will have to swear to return it to me.). It’s worth asking to borrow though, because eventually I will share.