Had enough?

There are those “Christians” who want to have comfortable lives and also want to be good people. These individuals often add a little bit of church into their lives, maybe some other religious things here and there. In fact and in deed, they remain the god of their own existence.

Others believe in Jesus Christ, and they want to be good christians. They work hard at Bible studies and church activities, and worry a lot about appearances. Often they are stuck with a nagging fear that they should do more, but that idea isn’t very appealing or enticing.

Finally, some Christians come into a relationship with God and taste and see that He is good. When they read the Bible, they wish they could be like a New Testament disciple and actually walk and talk with Jesus. They don’t want more religious stuff, they want more of God himself.

More is a helpful guide to what the last group desires, what the second group probably doesn’t yet know they are missing, and what the first group very well might resent.

As usual, I have a copy in my office to borrow—first come, first served. The Kindle version is only $0.99 at Amazon. I’m of the persuasion that a print copy is a worthy investment, because once you’re done reading it you’ll probably want to share it with a friend.