One for the kids

Some kids’ books are tolerable only for kids. They might be trite, or vapid, or just downright stupid. It’s fairly common for my children to come back from the library with books that get read once and then relegated to the top of the shelf. “OK, we’re not going to be reading that book any more.”

On the other end of the spectrum are kids’ books which express deep and abiding truth that we as parents comprehend far more fully than our kids are capable of. When these come without preachy or oversimplified or cheesy packaging, they are a true treasure.

We like books in our house. Most of our kids books are tolerable to me. This one I like. I daresay most parents need to hear this story more than their kids. So buy it “for them” and read it to them for yourself.

If, after reading it, you don’t “get” why I like it so much, ask me. I would love to tell you more about the grace of God.